If you need Wi-Fi in a huge building with all kinds of barriers, just add more Audience devices to your network. At the push of a button, they will seamlessly sync to create a single room-wide Wi-Fi network. The initial setup is also very simple - download the free MikroTik mobile app for iOS or Android, it will connect to your router and walk you through the quick setup process.
Wi-Fi has to be fast, reliable, easy to manage, and it has to reach every room and every corner. This is exactly what Audience devices can deliver in great style - even to the largest homes!
The audience is a tri-band (one 2.4GHz and two 5GHz) home mesh access point. If you need Wi-Fi in a huge building with all sorts of obstacles, simply add more Audience devices to your network - at the push of a button they will sync without interference and create a single Wi-Fi network that covers the entire room. The initial setup is also very simple - download the MikroTik app for iOS or Android, it will connect to your router and walk you through the quick setup process.
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